Another year passed Another year came We are all lost Well I don’t know about anyone But it was way more than a roller coaster for me. Lost dear ones, Responsibilities came, I took them all with pride And mooved ahead like a soldier Who is injured but full of spirit Had good day, very good days, and some really really amazing days Hade some soul threatening days too. Where I was barely existing But I did anyways. But I somehow mastered the art of living in the moment, Though sometimes I suck at it, but most times,it’s seems something so easy to do. I think of problems I have But I skip it the next moment, Because who doesn’t have problems, right? It’s no competition I know. I somehow have managed to be okay with everything that has happened & is happening. Now those crazy life challenge which used to scare me out, doesn’t anymore. I don’t panic, I just be. In that moment. It doesn’t mean I don’t feel sad, I do, But when I feel it, I don’t force myself to feel good. I just sit in my sorrow and a moment comes when I feel okay. I am just looking forward to some really amazing things this year. A lot to achieve, a lot to get ready, things which I aspire to be. Things I love doing, things I aim to be, and everything far and beyond. I am just proud of doing everything that I aim for & love. I am freakin' proud of the person I am becoming.